Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[Health] Acorda Therapeutics Inc. (ACOR) Broke Out To A New High On Study Results

Acorda Therapeutics Inc. (ACOR) Broke Out To A New High On Study Results
Acorda Therapeutics Inc. (ACOR: Quote) announced Monday morning that data from a Phase 2 study of AMPYRA Extended Release Tablets, 10 mg, improved walking in people with post-stroke deficits.

New Procedure May Shrink Enlarged Prostate Without Surgery
MONDAY, April 15 (HealthDay News) -- Men who need treatment for an enlarged prostate may soon have a new nonsurgical option, a small, early study suggests.

Taste of beer can trigger release of dopamine
A new study shows that just the taste of an alcoholic beverage can trigger the brain's release of dopamine -- a chemical linked to substance abuse.

Ugandans told to ignore false info on HIV cure...
รข€œThere is still no cure for HIV. The Uganda AIDS Commission appeals to Ugandans to get tested and know your status. Seek advice and care from a health facility.

The Medicare system is broken
I'm self employed and pay more than $500 a month for mediocre health care insurance with minimal dental coverage and no vision coverage.

Dental screening that could save your life
(CNN) -- We all know about the importance of sleep, and we know we should be getting more of it. When we wake up exhausted, drag ourselves to work or hit that afternoon slump, we blame ourselves: "Should have gotten more sleep last night.

AG seeks fee on California medical providers to fund prescription drug-tracking ...
SACRAMENTO, California - Attorney General Kamala Harris promoted legislation Monday that would impose fees on medical care providers, drug manufacturers and health insurance plans so California can continue operating its substance-abuse tracking ...

Researchers Create Nanosponges that Soak up Toxins [Video]
Researchers have now created nanosponges that can soak up a broad range of dangerous toxins in the body. The nanosponges were tested on mice, where they increased chances of survival in mice injected with a lethal dose of toxin by 44 percent.

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