Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[Technology] Logitech Turns To Smartphone Apps To Assist Latest Generation Of Harmony ...

Logitech Turns To Smartphone Apps To Assist Latest Generation Of Harmony ...
The TV remote control will not die. And that's a good thing. Try as they might, startups have yet to provide a true remote control replacement.

Earnings Preview: Focus on PCs in Microsoft's 3Q
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Microsoft's latest quarterly report will give the software maker another opportunity to persuade investors that its efforts to redesign its products for mobile devices are heading in the right direction, despite recent evidence that the ...

Netflix plotting move to HTML5 video - but only if DRM works
Streaming video leader Netflix says it's eager to move away from using Microsoft's moribund Silverlight technology to support its service on desktop PCs, but it will be a while yet before today's HTML5 browsers support the features it needs to make that ...

Kobo Aura HD Sticks It to Kindle Paperwhite รข€" Highest Resolution E-Reader on ...
Kobo Aura HD Sticks It to Kindle Paperwhite - Highest Resolution E-Reader on Earth For anyone that's recently invested in a Kindle as their new pride and joy, the launch of the Kobo Aura HD might just come as a pretty hefty kick in the trousers.

Microsoft May Enter Smartwatch Fray
Microsoft has asked component suppliers for 1.5-inch touchscreens that could be used in a device like a smartwatch, says Wall Street Journal.

Waze CEO: We Assumed Apple Maps 'Wouldn't Be That Good' - Mashable
Apple Maps wasn't very good. This is not news. Even company CEO Tim Cook admitted it fell short. The folks at crowd-sourced, turn-by-turn navigation competitor Waze weren't surprised, either.

Facebook struggling to find 'immersive' Home on Apple's iPhone
Facebook is reportedly in talks with Apple about bringing a version of its new Home interface to the iPhone. However, it's unlikely that Facebook will be afforded the same type of freedom it received with some Android devices, which were recently decorated ...

Windows 8.1 May Reintroduce Boot-To-Desktop Mode - Tom's Hardware
Many people may disagree, but one of Microsoft's biggest mistakes with Windows 8 is forcing desktop and laptop customers to boot straight into the new Modern UI overlay.

Disneyland's Space Mountain temporarily closed amid safety review
Disneyland's popular Space Mountain roller coaster and another ride are temporarily closed after the company received citations from state regulators last week that prompted a review of its employee safety protocols, a spokeswoman said Sunday.

Mobile malware threats rise 163% in 2012
Mobile malware threats have surged 163% during 2012 to over 65,000, according to a new security report from NQ Mobile. According to the report, app repackaging (concealing malicious malware in a seemingly legitimate app), malicious mobile URLs and ...

Sony Launches World's Fastest Personal Internet in Japan - The Escapist
So-net Entertainment's 'Nuro' fiber service for home use will support a whopping 2gbps downstream. We all knew Japan has some pretty awesome internet speeds, but this is just getting ridiculous.

Four Apple execs making more than CEO Tim Cook
Earning from $68.6 million to $88.5 million, these guys left the boss' paltry $4.7 million behind. Will they earn it this year?

Red Hat Launches Open Source OpenStack RDO - ServerWatch
Red Hat is accelerating its involvement with the open source OpenStack cloud platform project with a new community distribution of OpenStack.

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