Wednesday, April 17, 2013

[Health] Makers of fraudulent breast implants on trial in France

Makers of fraudulent breast implants on trial in France
Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:49am EDT. MARSEILLE, France (Reuters) - Five French executives went on trial on Wednesday to jeers from victims for supplying women with hundreds of thousands of substandard breast implants and triggering a global health scare.

Infant mortality on the decline; IRS workers charged with stealing benefits
health. Infant mortality. on the decline. Infant mortality in the United States has declined 12 percent since 2005 after holding steady for many years, according to data released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Colic Migraine Connection?
Having a colicky baby can be a challenge for new parents- The causes are not well understood-and the inconsolable crying is often assumed to be a pain syndrome.

'Western' Diet Doesn't Make for Healthy Seniors - MedPage Today
A diet high in fried, sweet, and processed foods is not associated with healthy aging, a large cohort study found. Participants on a Western-style diet had lower odds of ideal aging, defined as the absence of chronic diseases and mental health problems, ...

Can Tylenol help ease anxiety?
Tylenol is known for relieving pain, but now some believe that it can reduce anxiety associated with "thoughts of existential uncertainty and death" according to this study.

'Many more patients would have died' if not for rapid response
The chief of trauma surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital is praising the efforts of first responders, crediting them with preventing the loss of more lives in the Boston twin bombing attack.

Fame may 'lead to a shorter life'
Having a glittering career in the public eye may come at the cost of a shorter life, an analysis of obituaries in a US newspaper suggests.

Why do few high-risk women take drugs to prevent breast cancer?
With little fanfare and scant media coverage, a government task force recommended on Monday that women at high risk of breast cancer consider taking drugs to prevent the disease.

Exclusive, Extended Breastfeeding Lowers Mother-to-Infant HIV Risk
A new study has found that HIV-infected mothers are less likely to transmit the virus to their newborns if they breastfeed their child exclusively for more than 4 months.

Poisoned bread 'gift' puts 25 Germans in hospital
Twenty-five people are in hospital in Germany after eating bread rolls laced with rat poison, which were left at their firm as "a gift", police say.

Obesity battle gets French weapon: Forks that vibrate on quick eaters
French inventors have developed a new gadget they hope can help fight obesity - a fork that tells you when you're eating too quickly.

Are You Eating 'Superbugs?' Resistant Bacteria Found At Alarming Rates On ...
There is a lot of talk these days about how feeding antibiotics to livestock is resulting in 'superbugs' - bacteria resistant to drug treatment in humans and animals.

15 in Beloit released from hospitals after exposure to white substance
Beloit Area Community Health Center patients and employees have been released from local hospitals after being decontaminated for possible exposure to a toxic substance in an envelope, authorities said.

No Tie Between Light Drinking During Pregnancy, Child's Development: Study
TUESDAY, April 16 (HealthDay News) -- A new study casts some doubt on the notion than any level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy is harmful to a child's neuropsychological development.

War medicine now is helping Boston bomb victims
The bombs that made Boston look like a combat zone have also brought battlefield medicine to their civilian victims. A decade of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has sharpened skills and scalpels, leading to dramatic advances that are now being used to treat ...

Why Circumcision Lowers Risk of HIV
Promising trials hinted that circumcision could lower rates of HIV infection, but until now, researchers didn't fully understand why.


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