Monday, April 15, 2013

[World] Afghans' Production of Opium Is Up Again

Afghans' Production of Opium Is Up Again
KABUL, Afghanistan - For the third year in a row, opium cultivation has increased across Afghanistan, reversing earlier drops stemming from a decade-long international and Afghan government effort to combat the drug trade, according to a United Nations ...

Russian Blacklist Fight Lacks Courage and Conviction
Russian officials have gotten themselves worked up over the U.S. government's public naming of 18 Russians it considers to be human-rights abusers.

Society holds women entreprenuers back - study
Dubai: They have the money and the brains but they still need men. And that makes them angry. “Why would you need my guardian? I am here.

Kuwait Gives 5-Year Term to Dissenter
CAIRO - A court in Kuwait on Monday sentenced a prominent opposition politician to five years in prison for insulting the country's ruler, a crime that leaders around the Persian Gulf are prosecuting with increasing frequency in an effort to staunch ...

Probe focuses on Canadian as Shabab leader of Somalia courthouse attack
As the death toll rises in Mogadishu following Sunday's suicide bombings, Somali investigators are increasingly focusing on a Canadian who they believe led the multinational commando unit, which allegedly included fighters with Swedish citizenship, the ...

French gangster Redoine Faid makes daring prison escape using explosives ...
A notorious French gangster is back on the loose after a brazen, movie-like escape from a north France prison using explosives and hostages.

How Anonymous have become digital culture's protest heroes
In 2007, the hacktivist collective Anonymous was dubbed the "internet hate machine" by Fox News for their trolling campaigns.

Palestinians and Israelis remember war victims
TEL AVIV // For years, Sarit, a 48-year-old Israeli Jew from Tel Aviv, took part in state-backed Memorial Day events grieving the deaths of Israeli soldiers in conflicts with Israel's Arab neighbours.

Jordan Muslim extremist 'happy' over Boston bombing - The Republic
AMMAN, Jordan - The head of an extremist Jordanian Muslim Salafi group said early Tuesday that he was "happy to see the horror in America" after the explosions in Boston.

Iran begins registration for municipal elections
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran's state radio says candidates can begin to register for municipal council elections scheduled for June.

Kerry meets with parents of slain press officer Anne Smedinghoff on return from ...
CHICAGO -- Secretary of State John Kerry met Monday with the family of a 25-year-old Foreign Service officer who'd died in a suicide bombing in southern Afghanistan nine days earlier.

Schultz, Baker to lead US delegation at Thatcher funeral
WASHINGTON | Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:58pm EDT. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is sending two high-level Reagan-era officials to head the U.S.

Dominican officials say intelligence agent among 7 arrested in drug-trafficking ...
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic - Authorities in the Dominican Republic say they have seized more than $3 million in cash and arrested seven suspected drug traffickers, including one of the country's intelligence officers.

Israeli missions worldwide celebrate Independence Day,7340,L-4368322,00.html
Israel's Independence Day is being celebrated beyond the country's borders from Australia to the United States, from Europe to Africa.

Syria conflict: UK concerns over chemical weapon use
The UK is increasingly concerned there is evidence that chemical weapons have been used in Syria. Foreign Minister William Hague said the claims must be urgently investigated and perpetrators held to account.

Gujarat's Asiatic lions must be shared - Indian court
India's Supreme Court has ordered the western state of Gujarat to share some of its endangered lions with the neighbouring state of Madhya Pradesh.

'Guantánamo is killing me': inmate describes life in US military prison
The Yemeni detainee gave his account in The New York Times in an opinion article that was relayed via a translator in an unclassified telephone call to his lawyers at the legal charity Reprieve.

'Terror' word debated in Boston blasts
In the wake of Monday's explosions following the Boston Marathon, politicians were parsing their words carefully on whether to call the event “terrorism.

Denver Post wins Pulitzer for coverage of massacre
Associated Press photographer Khalil Hamra reacts after hearing that his photographs were part of an Associated Press team entry that won the Pulitzer prize for their photographs from Syria, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, April 15, 2013.

Increased Human Trafficking Reported in EU
Imagen activa 15 de abril de 2013, 16:18Brussels, Apr 15 (Prensa Latina) The European Commission (EC) reported today an increase in human trafficking in its member states between 2008 and 2010, while the number of traffickers arrested declined over the ...

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