Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[World] Fears for PNG towns after quake

Fears for PNG towns after quake
PORT MORESBY: A strong 6.8-magnitude earthquake has rocked Papua New Guinea's north. Seismologists warn there could be considerable damage in Aitape, where a giant tsunami in 1998 killed more than 2000 people.

Boston bombs packed with gunpowder, shrapnel
The explosives that killed three and wounded more than 170 at the Boston Marathon were made of pressure cookers packed with metal and ball bearings, a person briefed on the investigation said Tuesday.

Wounded student caught up in Boston Marathon bomber hunt
REVERE, Mass. -- A student from Saudi Arabia who was wounded in the explosions at the Boston Marathon finish line on Monday was caught up in the manhunt for the source of the two bombs.

Turkish pianist gets arrested for religious tweet
World-renowned Turkish pianist Fazil Say has been given a suspended jail sentence for blasphemy after retweeting an ancient poem on Twitter.

British driver killed and dozens of tourists injured as coach careers off cliff in ...
One Briton was killed and up to 18 others injured when a coach exploded in a fireball after crashing in the French Alps yesterday.

Syria amnesty could free up to 7000 inmates
BEIRUT - Syrian President Bashar Assad issued an order Tuesday freeing up to 7,000 prison inmates, but it was not clear whether the decree would apply to any of those jailed for participation in the rebellion that is seeking to overthrow his regime.

Rights group sues Britain over spy software allegedly sold to repressive regimes
Privacy International on Tuesday filed suit against Britain for reportedly allowing authoritarian states to purchase spy software.

Nigerian journalists charged over president story
ABUJA | Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:34pm EDT. ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigerian authorities charged two journalists with forgery on Tuesday over a story in which they accused President Goodluck Jonathan of launching a dirty tricks campaign against the opposition.

Mexico's Operation Cleanup has been a mess
MEXICO CITY - Operation Cleanup was a showcase effort to stamp out corruption within Mexico's elite organized-crime bureau. Twenty-five top law-enforcement officials were arrested in the weeks after the operation was launched in 2008, most accused of ...

Internal Revenue Service denies searching email without a warrant
Internal IRS employee manuals and memos released by the American Civil Liberties Union last week suggested that the Internal Revenue Service may be reading private email without a warrant, but the tax agency today denied the claims in a Congressional ...

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