Monday, April 15, 2013

[Science] Dark matter detector reports hints of WIMPs

Dark matter detector reports hints of WIMPs
DENVER - Ultracold crystals designed to catch particles of dark matter deep underground have come up with three potential detections, physicists reported April 13 at a meeting of the American Physical Society.

Giant snails invade, coat Florida in slime
Giant snails invade, coat Florida in slime. Giant African land snails, an invasive species on the march in Florida, can grow to 8 inches long and eat through plaster walls.

Cutting CO2 too difficult? Try these 4 simple tricks instead
Climate researchers - including one working for Wendy Schmidt, the campaigning wife of Google overlord Eric - have published research suggesting that there are other things apart from cutting CO2 emissions which would help to avoid disastrous rises in sea ...

DNR Will Add 330K Catchable Trout To State Waters
The state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will be adding nearly 330,000 catchable trout to state waters before the open of the inland fishing season on May 4. DNR fishery crews have been stocking rainbow, brown and brook trout raised at hatcheries ...

Turkey hunter charged by grizzly bear near Creston hatchery - Missoulian
KALISPELL - A turkey hunter reported being charged by a grizzly bear near the Creston National Fish Hatchery east of Kalispell over the weekend.

Antarctic ice sheet melt 'not that unusual', latest ice core shows
The latest ice-core analysis from the Antarctic shows that nothing unusual in terms of melting is occurring. In research published yesterday, a large team of scientists used a deep ice core from the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide to produce records going ...

New law to protect Puerto Rico leatherback turtles
Puerto Rico has introduced a new law protecting a swathe of the island's coast that has become a major nesting site for the world's largest turtle, the leatherback.

Campaigners drop flag under North Pole ice amid "cold rush" concerns
OSLO | Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:02am EDT. OSLO (Reuters) - Environmentalists have placed a flag on the seabed under the North Pole to urge protection for the region in a rebuff to Russia which planted a flag in 2007 in a symbolic territorial claim.

Commercial Space Flight Nearer Than We Think, Thanks To Virgin Galactic's ...
Commercial space flight may be just around the corner, thanks to Richard Branson's Virgin Galatic. (Photo : Virgin Galactic). Commercial space travel is close - really close.

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