Monday, April 15, 2013

[Health] US scientists build artificial kidneys

US scientists build artificial kidneys
BOSTON, April 15 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists built functional replacement kidneys -- artificial kidneys -- on the structure of donor rat organs from which living cells were stripped.

Study: Live Music Soothes Premature Babies, Leads to Health Benefits
It's been said that music cures the soul, but research is showing that it might actually help premature babies in a medically verifiable way.

Kan. surgeon aids wounded at Boston Marathon
SALINA, Kan. (AP) - A general surgeon from north-central Kansas had just finished the Boston Marathon on Monday when he found himself pressed into service treating people injured in the explosions that detonated near the finish line.

Mmm! Taste of Beer Triggers Good Feelings in the Brain
The taste of beer, without its alcoholic effects, may be enough to trigger the release of the pleasure chemical dopamine in the brain, a study finds.

Beetroot 'can lower blood pressure'
Drinking 250ml (8oz) cut high blood pressure readings by 10mm of mercury (mmHg) in a study of 15 patients, bringing some into the normal range, the journal Hypertension reports.

Alicia Keys campaigns for HIV education
WASHINGTON (AP) - Alicia Keys says she wants to spark a global conversation about HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The Grammy Award-winning singer met with women who are part of an HIV program at United Medical Center in the nation's capital ...

Join the fight for autistic children
During Autism Awareness month (April), many parents of children on the spectrum are hearing the new statistics: 1 in 50 children are now being diagnosed with autism.

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