Wednesday, April 17, 2013

[Health] Circumcision study supports HIV theory

Circumcision study supports HIV theory
Researchers say the foreskin can shelter troublesome bacteria, so its removal may bolster the immune system to keep the AIDS virus at bay.

Generic OxyContin Pains the FDA
The first patent on OxyContin expires Tuesday, a milestone in the history of one of the most powerful and abused painkillers on the market.

'Bed-of-needles' super-grip plaster
US scientists have designed a super-grip plaster covered with microscopic needles to heal surgical wounds. The "bed-of-needles" patch, inspired by a parasitic worm that lives in the guts of fish and clings on using its cactus-like spikes, fixes skin grafts firmly in ...

Group Claims CAFOs Are Responsible For Antibiotic Resistance
The Environmental Working Group this week said an analysis of a report issued by the Food and Drug Administration in February actually points to "startlingly high percentages of supermarket meat containing antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Study suggests light drinking in pregnancy not linked to development problems ...
Light drinking during pregnancy is not linked to adverse behavioural or cognitive outcomes in childhood, suggests a new study published today (17 April) in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Western Style Diet Makes You Die Young: Study
Adhering to a western style diet lowers a person's chances of achieving older ages in good health and with higher functionality.

US medical system lets hospitals profit from botched surgeries, extra care
American hospitals are financially discouraged from properly caring for their patients because, as a new study reveals, surgical complications and extra medical care result in higher profits generated from insurance companies.

FDA Chief Concedes Need for Policing of Compounders
Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg, the Food and Drug Administration commissioner, told Congress on Tuesday that her agency should have acted more aggressively against compounding pharmacies like the one that was responsible for a deadly meningitis outbreak ...

Just the Taste of Beer Triggers a Dopamine Response in the Brain - Healthline
Researchers tap into the minds of people given a sip of the golden bubbly and find the link to the brain's reward center is quick and powerful.

In sex, happiness hinges on keeping up with the Joneses, CU-Boulder study finds
Sex apparently is like income: People are generally happy when they keep pace with the Joneses and they're even happier if they get a bit more.

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