Monday, April 15, 2013

[Health] Supreme Court seems opposed to granting patents on human genes

Supreme Court seems opposed to granting patents on human genes,0,4511544.story
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court took up a deceptively simple question in a case brought by breast cancer patients and medical researchers: Are human genes patentable?

Unicef Report Details the Costs of Malnutrition in Children
More than a quarter of children under the age of 5 worldwide are permanently “stunted” from malnutrition, leaving them physically and intellectually weak, the United Nations Children's Fund said in a report released Monday.

Meningitis deaths fuel a renewed FDA debate
Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg will be on the hot seat Tuesday as she tries to defend the agency's failure to stop a fungal meningitis outbreak last year that killed more than 50 people.

This allergy season is something to sneeze about
Allergy sufferers, you're likely in for another rough season, but not as bad as last year, Chicago's longtime allergen measurer said.

Alicia Keys campaigns for HIV/AIDS education
WASHINGTONâ€"Alicia Keys says she wants to spark a global conversation about HIV/AIDS. The Grammy Award-winning singer says that when she traveled to Africa and India she felt connected to women with the virus because "they looked like they could ...

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