Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[World] China slams Boston bombing attack

China slams Boston bombing attack
BEIJING, April 16 (Xinhua) -- China has strongly condemned and is firmly opposed to any attack aimed at common people, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said at a Tuesday press briefing.

Pak Taliban deny role in Boston bombings
Islamabad, Apr 16 (PTI) The Pakistani Taliban, which claimed claimed responsibility for a botched car bombing in New York's Times Square in 2010, today denied any role in the bombings at the Boston Marathon in the US that killed three people and injured ...

Peres salutes outstanding soldiers
Independence Day celebrations opened with parade of 120 outstanding service personnel. During show, 'Singing Independence,' president sang with Keren Peles, Netyanuahu with Idan Amedi, Chief-of-Staff Gantz with Sharon Kidushin.

Britain gave millions of pounds in aid to Putin government
In one initiative, the Department for International Development (DfID) handed over £4.5million to encourage Russian ministries to be more “efficient, effective and transparent” and improve the country's “business environment”.

Will find out Boston culprits, hold them accountable: Barack Obama
Reacting strongly to the incidents of three explosions that rocked Boston, US President Barack Obama has affirmed that his administration will find out the perpetrators and hold them accountable for the act.

Chad: Troops to Leave Mali
Chad's president says his country's troops are pulling out of Mali three months after the French-led mission to oust militants linked to Al Qaeda began, raising questions about how feasible the planned French pullout will be if France wants to maintain the ...

Independence Day versus Fourth of July: A Jewish American's loyalty dilemma
Some would call me a traitor, but celebrating both Israel's and the United States' independence is the truest expression of my identity.

Syrian President Issues Amnesty Decree
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has declared a general amnesty for crimes committed before Tuesday, the latest in a series of similar decrees since the uprising against his rule began more than two years ago.

Four killed in attack on Sanaullah Zehri's convoy
KHUZDAR: The son, brother and nephew of PML-N provincial President Sardar Sanaullah Khan Zehri were among the four people killed while several others were injured in an attack on his convoy in the Ghut bridge area here on Tuesday.

European court says Britain should not extradite militant suspect
STRASBOURG, France | Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:14am EDT. STRASBOURG, France (Reuters) - A man held in Britain and accused of plotting to set up a militant training camp should not be extradited to the United States to face terrorism charges due to concerns ...

Unique sanctuary set to give MP tourism boost
Madhya Pradesh can expect a big jump in wildlife tourism, as Palpur Kuno, set to get lions from Gir, would be the only habitat in the world to have three big cats, the lion, the tiger and the panther in one habitat.

Taking the less-known route
If you can't get in - or can't afford - a top business school, is an MBA from a lesser-known school worth it? The answer depends largely on the student.

Blast puts major cities on alert
The deadly explosions at the Boston Marathon reverberated on both sides of the Atlantic as cities from Los Angeles to London saw a surge in security.

Police seize 49 cellphones used to take photos during Oscar Pistorius arrest
STELLENBOSCH, South Africa -- South African police confiscated 49 cellphones after officers used them to photograph of Oscar Pistorius when he was first arrested following the shooting death of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

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