Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[U.S.] Amnesty: Sudan Bombing, Hunger Afflict...

Amnesty: Sudan Bombing, Hunger Afflict...
Share. 0. Amnesty International says that Sudan's indiscriminate bombing of rebellious South Kordofan province is stoking a developing crisis by displacing thousands of people and disrupting crop planting.

Criminal Charges Filed Against Ex-Navajo...
Share. 0. A former Navajo Nation lawmaker has been charged with receiving kickbacks, submitting false information and conspiring with a colleague to funnel nearly $100,000 to members of his immediate family while he served on the Tribal Council.

Marathon victim in photo has both legs amputated - USA Today
Photo shows bystander helping 27-year-old athlete who was watching girlfriend run. recropped-marathon. Jeff Bauman Jr., 27, was hurt in the Boston Marathon explosions and had to have both legs amputated, his father said.

Texas executes man who killed 17-year-old in 2001 shooting
AUSTIN, Texas, April 16 (Reuters) - A Texas man convicted of shooting a 17-year-old outside a nightclub in 2001 was executed. on Tuesday, the third person put to death by lethal injection in the state this year.

Hundreds gather on Boston Common for Boston Marathon vigil
Hundreds of supporters gathered around the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common Tuesday night to honor the victims of the Boston Marathon explosions and their loved ones in a vigil called Peace, Here and Everywhere.

AP: Ex-wife says former SC Gov. Sanford trespassed
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) - Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford must appear in court two days after running for a vacant congressional seat to answer a complaint that he trespassed at his ex-wife's home, according to court documents acquired by The ...

Suburban race, fest organizers vow security reviews after Boston tragedy
There's no shortage in the suburbs of places where large groups of people gather - festivals, running or biking races, shopping malls, theme parks, even libraries - and some of these places have relatively light security.

Group suing school district
TALLAHASSEE - Hernando County School District Teacher of the Year Bethann Brooks, who is a health science teacher at Central High School, is one of several plaintiffs listed in a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday challenging the evaluation of teachers based ...

Forensic Investigators Discover Clues to the Boston Bombing
April 16 (Bloomberg) -- The forensic investigation of the Boston Marathon bombing is developing a preliminary picture of how it was done, though not yet who may have done it.

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