Monday, April 15, 2013

[Technology] Wordpress website targeted by hackers

Wordpress website targeted by hackers
Wordpress has been attacked by a botnet of "tens of thousands" of individual computers since last week, according to server hosters Cloudflare and Hostgator.

Report: Microsoft may also make smart watches
IDG News Service - Microsoft is working on designs for a touch-enabled smart watch, joining a number of other large competitors like Samsung Electronics and Apple who are said to be working on similar devices, a newspaper reported.

Ban drones taking snaps of homes, rages Google boss... That's HIS job, right?
Google supremo Eric Schmidt has demanded tough rules on civilians flying surveillance drones, branding the tech a threat to privacy.

Bling patrol: Dubai's $550000 squad car
(AP) In a city of boundless bling, Dubai police also are in hot pursuit after adding a nearly $550,000 Lamborghini to its fleet. The sports car, painted in green-and-white colors of the Dubai force, will not likely be roaring after law breakers.

Rivals do not trust the competitive behaviour of Google
The rivals of the most popular search engine Google do not trust the competitive behaviour of the company as Google has breached the anti-trust laws in the union of Europe.

Disneyland's Space Mountain temporarily closed amid safety review
Disneyland's popular Space Mountain roller coaster and another ride are temporarily closed after the company received citations from state regulators last week that prompted a review of its employee safety protocols, a spokeswoman said Sunday.

$15M iPhone Shows Off Rare Black Diamond
A businessman from Hong Kong commissioned craftsman Stuart Hughes of Liverpool to help him show off his family treasure. (Photo Credit: Stuart Hughes).

Mirror's Edge mod adds Oculus Rift support
Internet, bear with me. For a while from now, as each new game that gets support for the Oculus Rift, I, and other writers, will get needlessly excited and post videos of said game in action.

In this city of innumerable tourist attractions, the clanging, hill-conquering cable cars stand out as a top draw. The quaint conveyances also stand out for the inordinate number of accidents and the millions of dollars annually the city pays out to settle lawsuits ...

Apple's 'Coach' Campbell Sees Google Glass Starting Era of Intimate Objects
Apple's latest and greatest creation will be something ranging from a wristwatch to touch-ready lingerie, if you read the tea leaves laid out by Bill Campbell, a member of the company's board.

10 Questions to Ask Before Shopping for an HDTV
10-questions-HDTV-small.jpg When it comes to selecting a new HDTV, it's fair to say there's no shortage of options. Whether you're standing in front of a giant wall of TVs at your local brick-and-mortar retailer or staring at a screen full of options on Amazon or ...

Foxconn Steps Up Hiring As Apple Readies New iPhone
TAIPEIâ€"Foxconn Technology Group has resumed hiring assembly-line workers in China after a postholiday freeze, in the latest sign that major customer Apple Inc. is gearing up for production of the new iPhone.

PlayStation 4 Preorders Launch in UK â€" A Snap at £20, Final Price Pending
PlayStation 4 Preorders Launch in UK - A Snap at £20, Final Price Pending So the biggest news on the gaming front in the UK this week is that the Sony PlayStation 4 has been officially opened for pre-orders, which is by rights the second best thing to an ...

Bing Integrates Pinterest Sharing Into Its Image Search
Bing users can now easily share the images they find with their friends on Pinterest. Starting today, Bing's image search will feature the standard Pinterest 'Pinit' button on every photo details page, so the integration isn't all that deep, but according to Microsoft, ...

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