Monday, April 15, 2013

[Technology] Google Glass Mirror API documentation now available

Google Glass Mirror API documentation now available
A couple of hours ago, Google sent out word that Google Glass Explorer edition is in production, with the first wave going out as early as today, and the rest heading out in the very near future.

Google Glass Explorer Edition starts shipping now
The Web giant notifies everyone on the Glass Explorers list that some of the wearable devices are off the production line and ready to be shipped.

Electronic Arts Shutting Down 3 Facebook Games
Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: EA ) will shut down three of its Facebook social games in June, the company said today. The Sims Social, SimCity Social, and Pet Society will no longer be available after June 14.

Leonhard Euler, math genius, gets a Google Doodle
Leonhard Euler, a Swiss mathematician who continued to work on complex equations from memory even after he went blind, is honored in Monday's Google Doodle on the 306th anniversary of his birth.

Get your Asus Taichi 31 (13.3 inch) ultrabook shipment
After the disappointment of Asus 11.6 inch Taichi21 which was launched in October 2012, Asus launched Taichi 13.3 inch which runs windows 8 as well windows 8 pro.

Price Drop Won't Help Ailing Wii U, Claims Analyst
Nintendo's Wii U is in dire straits, but surely cutting the price could right that ship, no? Not according to gaming industry analyst Michael Pachter.

Android malware infections found to have tripled in 2012
Anyone developing malicious software for mobile devices has set his or her sights almost exclusively on Android at this point. Mobile security vendor NQ has found that Android devices infected with malware grew from 10.8 million in 2011 to 32.8 million in ...

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