Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[U.S.] Colorado River Tops 2013 Endangered...

Colorado River Tops 2013 Endangered...
Share. 0. Drought and demand are pushing the Colorado River beyond its limits - with the needs of more than 40 million people in seven Western states projected to outstrip dwindling supply over the next 50 years, according to an advocacy group's report ...

Letter with ricin sent to Roger Wicker
An envelope sent to the Washington, D.C., office of Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) included a substance that has tested positive for the toxic substance ricin.

American Airlines having widespread delays as reservations system fails
Long lines resulted at ticket counters at O'Hare airport when American Airlines was experiencing a problem with its reservation and booking system on Tuesday afternoon which has led to a system-wide grounding of its fleet.

Weiner Hasn't Joined Race for Mayor, but a Poll of Democrats Puts Him in Second
Anthony D. Weiner has not yet said whether he will run for mayor of New York. But he already ranks among the leading Democratic candidates in the race, trailing only one other contender, Christine C. Quinn, in a poll of voters released on Tuesday.

Medicaid Expansion and Hospitals
Governor Jack Dalrymple has signed legislation to expand Medicaid and provide health care coverage to some 30,000 uninsured North Dakotans.

BU student spectator was among the victims
A Boston University graduate student from China watching the marathon with two friends was among those killed in the horrific blasts, officials said yesterday.

Police up security for Sunday's Lansing Marathon
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Lansing's police chief says authorities will step up security for Sunday's marathon in in Michigan's capital in the wake of the bombings at the Boston Marathon.

Hub medical workers go above and beyond
As ambulances roared toward hospital emergency rooms, hundreds of health care workers left the marathon and ran into work, grateful but weary hospital bosses said yesterday.

Congress has prayers for Boston, but few answers
Congress's typical reflex in crisis is to react. Gun violence? Tighten gun laws. A breach in airport security? Place more officers at checkpoints.

Man in the cowboy hat: Hero at Boston Marathon has known pain of loss
One of the most stirring images from Monday's bomb blasts is that of a long-haired man in a cowboy hat, comforting a traumatized victim who appears to have lost both his legs.

US Capitol room named for Giffords aide Gabe Zimmerman
There was talk of a park, a trail, even a monument in Arizona, but in the end the family of the only congressional staffer ever slain at work chose a simpler honor: a basement meeting room with his name.

Jenny Sanford: I Didn't Leak Report on Ex-Husband
Former South Carolina First Lady Jenny Sanford told The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday night that she was trying to stay out of her ex-husband Mark Sanford's bid to return to public life, and didn't leak a report that he had trespassed at her home earlier this ...

On Hannity, Giuliani Emphasizes Need For Boston Authorities To 'Mislead' If ...
Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani sat down with Sean Hannity tonight to talk about the aftermath of yesterday's Boston bombing.

Authorities: Don't point blame in attack
Authorities are revealing little about the person or persons who pulled off Monday's deadly Boston Marathon bombing, saying their massive investigation is in its infancy and urging people not to point fingers at any specific groups.

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