Wednesday, April 17, 2013

[World] Israeli city of Eilat hit by two rockets

Israeli city of Eilat hit by two rockets,7340,L-4368650,00.html
Police said the rockets landed in open areas, without causing damage or injury. The Israeli military said they were fired from Sinai in Egypt.

16 injured in blast near BJP office in Bangalore, party claims terror attack
Police in Bangalore said on Wednesday they were investigating a blast outside a Bharatiya Janata Party office that injured 16 people.

Rocket attack kills at least 7 in village in central Syria, activists say
BEIRUT - Syrian activists say a rocket attack by government forces has killed at least seven people in a village near the central city of Homs.

VIEW: Obama, Israel and Palestine รข€"SP Seth
The US Secretary of State, John Kerry, is seeking to restart talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. This will be Obama administration's new initiative in its second term to move the Palestinian issue forward.

British driver dies in alpine coach crash
The driver was taking 52 British resort workers when it is believed the brakes failed on the steep mountain road from Alp d'Huez.

Morocco rejects any proposals to give UN mission in W. Sahara power to ...
RABAT, Morocco - Morocco condemned on Monday any talk of giving the U.N. mission to the disputed Western Sahara territory the power to supervise human rights after reports surfaced the U.S.

dna edit: Terror blasts holes in US security
Since terrorism is a reality, can India try to reduce the frequency of the attacks on its soil? Twelve years after the terror strikes of September 11, 2001, terror returned to the United States on Monday, when two bombs went off at the finish line of the Boston ...

For Chad, Opportunity and Challenge in Regional Crises
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Taiwan holds first live-fire military drill since 2008
The drill, which involved its army, navy and air force, simulated a Chinese attack on Taiwan's Penghu Islands. It is the first time live ammunition has been used in Taiwan's annual military drills since Ma Ying-jeou became president.

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