Monday, April 15, 2013

[Science] Scientists make 'laboratory-grown' kidney

Scientists make 'laboratory-grown' kidney
A kidney "grown" in the laboratory has been transplanted into animals where it started to produce urine, US scientists say.

Congress is taking asteroid threats seriously
Congress held its third hearing earlier this week on the potential threat asteroids pose to Earth. The hearings come in the wake of the asteroid explosion over Chelyabinsk, Russia, last February, which injured about 1,500 people and left the region scrambling ...

Florida Is Currently Crawling With Giant African Land Snails - Cinema Blend
Giant snails have found their way into Miami-Dade County, and they are multiplying like hotcakes. Not only is the species, known as Giant African Land Snails, big on procreation, they are also an invasive species that is causing real problems for the state.

A Big Award for the Iraqi Who Helped Restore Iraq's Marshlands
Chebayesh marsh in Nassiriya, 300 km (185 miles) southeast of Baghdad February 14, 2013. Picture taken February 14, 2013. REUTERS/Thaier al-Sudan (Photo : Reuters/Thaier al-Sudan).

NASA update: Orion on track for 2014 test
Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana talks to reporters in front of the Orion space capsule being prepared for its first test flight in 2014.

Space Enthusiasts Find Missing '71 Soviet Lander Using Mars Orbiter Images
It turns out that the sharing of images taken by orbiters and rovers in space may have more of a purpose than just being cool to look at.

Russia's Proton-M Puts Canadian Satellite into Orbit
MOSCOW, April 16 (RIA Novosti) - A Russian Proton-M carrier rocket delivered a Canadian telecommunications satellite, Anik-G1, into orbit on Tuesday, a spokesman for Russia's space agency said.

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