Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[U.S.] Boston bomb probe looking at pressure cooker, backpacks

Boston bomb probe looking at pressure cooker, backpacks
By Scott Malone. BOSTON | Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:01am EDT. BOSTON (Reuters) - Boston Marathon bombing investigators on Wednesday entered the third day of their hunt with an emerging picture of the target: a suspect or suspects carrying heavy bags or ...

Weiner Hasn't Joined Race for Mayor, but a Poll of Democrats Puts Him in Second
Anthony D. Weiner has not yet said whether he will run for mayor of New York. But he already ranks among the leading Democratic candidates in the race, trailing only one other contender, Christine C. Quinn, in a poll of voters released on Tuesday.

AP: Ex-wife says former SC Gov. Sanford trespassed
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) - Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford must appear in court two days after running for a vacant congressional seat to answer a complaint that he trespassed at his ex-wife's home, according to court documents acquired by The ...

5 youths arrested in paramedic's killing
Five teenage boys, none older than 16, have been arrested in the slaying of an off-duty paramedic who was shot April 2 while driving in the Oakland hills, police said Tuesday.

Tuscon Shooting Victim Gabe Zimmerman Honored At The Capitol
WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 16: U.S. Vice President Joe Biden greets (L-R) U.S. Rep. Ron Barber (D-AZ), former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) during the dedication ceremony of the Gabriel Zimmerman ...

'Please don't be a Muslim...'
US Muslims are watching closely as the probe into the Boston bombings unfolds, fearing a backlash like after 9/11 if an Islamist link is confirmed to the deadly attack.

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