Monday, April 15, 2013

[Technology] Google Glass Explorer edition starts shipping today

Google Glass Explorer edition starts shipping today
Some exciting news just popped up in our inbox about the increasingly popular and coveted Google Glass. Word has swirled for a little while now that the wearable devices could start shipping in the next month, and we've just received word from Google that ...

Google boss: Entire world will be online by 2020
(CNN) -- Everybody in the world will be on the Internet within seven years. That's what Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said this weekend in public comments that inspired everything from excitement to incredulity.

Kobo Reveals Aura HD, 'Porsche of eReaders'
Kobo today announced its limited-edition Aura HD e-ink reader, which it said includes the highest resolution e-ink display currently on the market.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 Windows
Adobe's latest iteration of its raw-editing and management software, Adobe Lightroom 5, enters a public beta today with a modest set of enhancements that will make some photographers very happy but a large number of others shrug and choose to skip it.

GM, Ford to jointly develop 10-speed transmissions - USA Today
Will build, tune transmissions separately, hoping to save money, boost mpg, improve performance. tranny. GM Baltimore Operations worker Johnny Johnson works on the final assembly of A1000 Heavy Duty transmissions in White Marsh, Md.

EA's shuttered Facebook games a cautionary tale for online-only play
As Electronic Arts prepares to shut down several Facebook games, there's a message that gamers should take too heart: Don't get too attached to anything that's online-only.

Apple Dominates Best-Paid as Board Retains Jobs Deputies
Four of the five highest-paid employees at Standard & Poor's 500 companies aren't chief executive officers. They're Apple Inc. (AAPL) senior lieutenants receiving compensation packages designed to keep management intact in an increasingly competitive ...

Apple the victim after Chinese scammers exploit returns policy
The on-going saga over Apple's “unfair” after-sales service in China has taken another twist after it was revealed that scammers exploited its returns policy to exchange fake parts for real ones, enabling them to build and sell new devices.

T-Mobile leak hints at an HTC One launch on April 24th - Engadget
We've known for a while that April 19th is the big day for AT&T and Sprint versions of the HTC One, yet news of the T-Mobile version's release has been thin.

Edison2 unveils new light car architecture
Automotive X PRIZE winner Edison2 has unveiled the latest iteration of its Very Light Car (VLC) architecture as the vehicle approaches market readiness.

Price Drop Won't Help Ailing Wii U, Claims Analyst - The Escapist
Nintendo's Wii U is in dire straits, but surely cutting the price could right that ship, no? Not according to gaming industry analyst Michael Pachter.

Pinterest now available on Barnes & Noble NOOK devices
NOOK users may be avid readers, but they may also need their daily dose of inspiration, whether that'd be ideas for DIY projects or just entertaining photos.

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