Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[Health] Beetroot juice 'helps lower blood pressure': A glass a day can reduce it by 7 ...

Beetroot juice 'helps lower blood pressure': A glass a day can reduce it by 7 ...
They found a dose of eight ounces - around one cup - may help people with high blood pressure, cutting their readings by about 7 per cent.

Mmm! Taste of Beer Triggers Good Feelings in the Brain
The taste of beer, without its alcoholic effects, may be enough to trigger the release of the pleasure chemical dopamine in the brain, a study finds.

Scientists make 'laboratory-grown' kidney
A kidney "grown" in the laboratory has been transplanted into animals where it started to produce urine. The work was carried out at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, USA.

5 Questions with TOMS Founder Blake Mycoskie
Blake Mycoskie is an entrepreneurial spirit at heart: he started the first of many companies at the tender age of 18. “But it wasn't really until I started TOMS that I felt like I had my calling,” he says.

Why Should We Care About Healthcare Decisions?
Today is National Healthcare Decisions Day. After the intense pain of the events in Boston yesterday, why do we care? As a physician, I am made aware all too often of the frailties of the human soul and body.

Now, smartphone app to help lose weight
Now, smartphone app to help lose weight London: Researchers have developed a new smartphone app that could be key to losing weight, enabling users to regularly monitor their food intake and exercise.

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