Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[U.S.] Boston bomb was pressure cooker with gunpowder, shrapnel

Boston bomb was pressure cooker with gunpowder, shrapnel
The bombs that exploded at the Boston Marathon were likely heavy, carried to the scene in dark nylon bags, and fashioned out of pressure cookers packed with shrapnel to make them more lethal, authorities said on Tuesday.

Poll Shows Weiner In Second Place In Hypothetical Democratic Mayoral Primary
A new poll shows that if Anthony Weiner jumps into the Democratic primary for mayor, he will already be in second place behind City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

Computer problems keep American Airlines flights on the ground
American Airlines had to ground its operations for hours Tuesday after its reservations system misbehaved and prevented employees from checking in passengers and sending out flights.

Colorado River Tops 2013 Endangered...
Share. 0. Drought and demand are pushing the Colorado River beyond its limits - with the needs of more than 40 million people in seven Western states projected to outstrip dwindling supply over the next 50 years, according to an advocacy group's report ...

State Senate panel approves package of gun control bills
SACRAMENTO -- A package of some of the most restrictive gun control measures in the nation advanced in the state Senate on Tuesday after tearful testimony from victims of firearms violence and opposition from gun-owner groups including the National ...

North Dakota governor signs 'fetal pain' measure - USA Today
BISMARCK, North Dakota (AP) - Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple signed into law a measure that outlaws abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy based on the disputed premise that at that point a fetus can feel pain.

Ex-Wife Says Mark Sanford Has a Habit of Trespassing in Her Home
Mark Sanford's effort to convince South Carolina voters that he's moved past lying about his whereabouts probably won't be helped by the news that Jenny Sanford is taking him to court for allegedly trespassing in her home.

Jeff Bauman, legs lost to Boston Marathon bomb, identified by a photo - Newsday
BOSTON - The father of a man who was photographed being pushed away from the Boston Marathon bombing in a wheelchair says his son has had both legs amputated.

Hub medical workers go above and beyond
As ambulances roared toward hospital emergency rooms, hundreds of health care workers left the marathon and ran into work, grateful but weary hospital bosses said yesterday.

IEDs No Longer a Foreign Concept for Americans
Law enforcement believed it was only a matter of time before improvised explosive devices would be used against Americans on their home soil.

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