Monday, April 15, 2013

[World] Assessing U.S.-Venezuela Relations After Very Close Election Favors Maduro

Assessing U.S.-Venezuela Relations After Very Close Election Favors Maduro
Nicolás Maduro will be Venezuela's new president following Hugo Chavez's death in March. Ray Suarez talks with Cynthia Arnson of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Mark Weisbrot of the Center for Economic and Policy Research ...

As US Seeks Security Pact, Obama Is Set to Meet Putin
MOSCOW - President Obama has accepted an invitation to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin ahead of a Group of 20 conference in Russia this fall, officials here said Monday - signaling a new opportunity to ease tensions even as the Kremlin continues ...

Kuwait Gives 5-Year Term to Dissenter
CAIRO - A court in Kuwait on Monday sentenced a prominent opposition politician to five years in prison for insulting the country's ruler, a crime that leaders around the Persian Gulf are prosecuting with increasing frequency in an effort to stanch emboldened ...

South Africa: Elephant overturns vehicle - Missoulian
South African officials say an elephant has overturned a vehicle carrying two tourists, injuring one of them. A statement from Kruger National Park says the tourists are of "Chinese origin.

Gay couples in red-state America consider bluer pastures
Joy Wasson (l.) and Liz Throop kiss during the Second National National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. The march was held on October 11, 1987.

China points finger at US over Asia-Pacific tensions
By Ben Blanchard. BEIJING | Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:55am EDT. BEIJING (Reuters) - China's defense ministry made a thinly veiled attack on the United States on Tuesday for increasing tensions in the Asia-Pacific by ramping up its military presence and alliances ...

NS premier promises review of Rehtaeh Parsons RCMP investigation
HALIFAX -- The Nova Scotia government will launch an independent review of the RCMP's original investigation into the Rehtaeh Parsons case, Premier Darrell Dexter said Monday following a week of public pressure and international attention on the teen's ...

Gir lions: Guj says will see SC order, MP all smiles
The Gujarat government said Monday it would study the full judgment of the Supreme Court on relocation of Asiatic lions to Madhya Pradesh before deciding its future course of action on the issue.

Karim Wade arrested in Senegal corruption probe
Police in Senegal have arrested the son of former President Abdoulaye Wade on suspicion of corruption. Karim Wade is suspected of illegally amassing about $1.4bn (£900m) during his father's rule, his lawyers said.

'Gitmo is killing me': Inmate describes horror of being force-fed by tube
In a dramatic first-person account, a detainee has described being force-fed at the Guantanamo Bay military prison. One of dozens of men on a hunger strike, Samir Naji al Hasan Moqbel says he has lost more than 30 pounds in the past two months.

Kerry visits family of slain US diplomat
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry waves after his lecture to students at Tokyo Institute of Technology in Tokyo Monday, April 15, 2013.

Tech Doc: Pray for the children whose monsters are real
Last year, 1,328 children were confirmed victims of child abuse and neglect in Lubbock County. The rates of confirmed child abuse in Texas exceed national averages, and the Lubbock County rates are consistently twice as high as the rates for the rest of ...

7 killed in Cancun
CANCUN, Mexico, April 15 (UPI) -- The bodies of seven slain men and women were found Sunday in a home in Cancun, Mexico, authorities said.

IRA tapes to be handed to police after US supreme court ruling
Tapes containing testimony from the late IRA Old Bailey bomber Dolours Price are to made available to the Police Service of Northern Ireland after the US supreme court ruled against an appeal seeking to keep them private.

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