Monday, April 1, 2013

[Science] Lake Erie Algae Blooms Expected To Continue, Threatening Ecosystem, People ...

Lake Erie Algae Blooms Expected To Continue, Threatening Ecosystem, People ...
Lake Erie is under attack from noxious algae blooms, and the problem only looks likely to get worse if something isn't done to reverse the trend, new research suggests.

Global warming mystery: Are North and South really polar opposites?
The amount of land in the high Arctic covered by trees and upright shrubs could increase by up to 52 percent by midcentury, warming the region to levels climate scientists had previously not expected to see there until 2100.

Astronaut Catches Alien on Space Station in April Fools' Prank
When an alien parked a flying saucer at the International Space Station to say hello, astronaut Chris Hadfield turned to Twitter to report the earthshaking news.

Ancient portal to the underworld found in Turkey
Italian archaeologists have made a fascinating discovery, which they announced a few days ago at a conference in Turkey where the discovery was made: the Gate to Hell, or so it is called.

Cicadas Set to Swarm East Coast, Radiolab Wants You To Help Track Them
East Coast kids won't have seen them before, but they're coming again soon as they do every 17 years: A brood of cicadas known as Magicicada Brood II will make the รข€œair hum with a 7 kHz mating buzz.

Saturn Is Like an Antiques Shop, Cassini Suggests
A new analysis of data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft suggests that Saturn's moons and rings are gently worn vintage goods from around the time of the solar system's birth.

NASA spots comet that could be the brightest in decades
It may not be as spectacular has the asteroid that flew over Russia back in February, but researchers and astronomers have been eyeing a particular comet in the skies that will pass by Earth later this year, and it's said that it has the potential of being one of ...

Indonesian Officials Rescue Hundreds of Endangered Turtles At A Jakarta Airport
Indonesian police have confiscated hundreds of endangered turtles at a Jakarta airport. In total, 687 month-old turtles were successfully recovered before they could be smuggled out of the country.

Pharmaceutical pollution wreaks havoc on waters worldwide, say scientists
Pharmaceutical pollution wreaks havoc on waters worldwide, say scientists. The authors concluded that this study is part of the growing body of evidence that suggests the U.S.

Proposed reservoir could affect endangered species
ANDERSON, Indiana - A proposal to build a 2,000-acre reservoir about 50 miles northeast of Indianapolis could impact habitat for several endangered species, including the Indiana bat, the Northern riffleshell and the clubshell mollusks.

Rocket Scientist Yvonne Brill Dies
Yvonne Brill, a pioneering rocket scientist who invented a more efficient thruster to keep satellites in orbit, died last week at age 88, according to news reports.

Emerald Ash Borer theatens local ash trees
The emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, is a green beetle native to Asia. It is an invasive species, responsible for the loss of millions of ash trees in North America.

Green Bay Rep. Cowles wants more DNR funding to control sea lamprey
MADISON, WI (WTAQ) - A state lawmaker is asking his colleagues to help sponsor a bill to control the sea lamprey, a parasite that kills fish in the Great Lakes.

St. louis wildlife center aiding injured, orphaned rabbits
BALLWIN, Mo. -- A wildlife rescue center near St. Louis is working to help bunnies make it to adulthood. The Wildlife Rescue Center in St. Louis County handled 1,085 orphaned and injured wild cottontail rabbits last year, all but 55 of them babies, Suburban ...

Invasive pests cost Americans millions
The Giant African Snail can grow to 8 inches long and is now found in Florida. When it can't find one of the 500 or so plants it likes to eat, it will attack plaster and stucco on houses.

Soils in newly forested areas store substantial carbon that could help offset ...
Forest plantations established on formerly non-forested land, like this experimental poplar stand in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, accumulate soil carbon that helps to offset carbon emissions and climate change.

Another step toward quantum computers: Using photons for memory
Scientists at Yale University have found a new way to manipulate microwave signals that could aid the long-term effort to develop a quantum computer.

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