Monday, April 1, 2013

[World] Top Court in India Rejects Novartis Drug Patent

Top Court in India Rejects Novartis Drug Patent
NEW DELHI - India's Supreme Court rejected a Swiss drug maker's patent application for a major cancer drug Monday in a landmark ruling that allows cheap copies of important medicines to continue being distributed in much of the world.

In Egypt, a satirist facing charges remains irreverent
CAIRO - He arrived with a prankster's aplomb. Bassem Youssef, a popular Egyptian TV satirist often compared to Jon Stewart, appeared before a prosecutor Sunday on charges of defaming President Mohamed Morsi.

Singapore President Makes First Ever Visit to Burma
Singapore's President Tony Tan Keng Yam will travel to Burma on Monday for the start of a five-day visitâ€"the first ever by a Singaporean head of state since the two countries established relations in 1966.

Eiffel Tower re-opens after bomb threat evacuation
Nearly 1,400 people were evacuated for two hours after an anonymous phone call warning.. Eiffel Tower. Tourists take pictures near a cordoned off Eiffel Tower in Paris on Saturday after it was evacuated for two hours.

China Says 2 Pilots Killed in Su-27...
Share. 0. China's Defense Ministry says two air force pilots were killed when their Russian-made Su-27 fighter crashed during a training mission.

Raw: 12 killed in eastern Mexico bus crash
ShareTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn. Raw: 12 killed in eastern Mexico bus crash. A bus traveling on a mountain road in eastern Mexico collided with a truck in thick fog and plunged over a cliff, killing 12 people and injuring 14.

Cyprus bailout: Feeling unloved in Germany
In Germany, the citizens feel aggrieved. They perceive their country as a generous donor of hard-earned cash to peoples who have let their finances go to ruin.

Donald Trump Sues Brooklyn Man For Trolling Him Online
Generally speaking, being labeled a troll is not a particularly positive thingâ€"but when someone is actively trolling Donald Trump from his mother's basement and successfully pissing him off, it doesn't seem like such a negative title.

Make or break time for Afghan forces as Nato prepares to take step back
British commanders have warned that the war against the Taliban is entering its most critical phase as Afghanistan's security forces prepare to fight the insurgency on their own for the first time without Nato troops alongside them on the frontline.

Over 50 Iranian tourists visit southern Egypt
LUXOR, Egypt (AP) - More than 50 Iranian tourists visited sites in southern Egypt on Sunday amid tight security as part of a bilateral tourism promotion deal that has generated some controversy.

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